Inspire Positive Change

We are an Innovative Counseling Center

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Positive Counseling Center

At Positive Counseling Center, you are guaranteed quality mental health services. Our goal is to help all of the individuals and families that we assist to realize their full potential. We have a group practice comprised of mental health professionals that come with a variety of expertise. Mental health services are available for adults, children, and families. Together, we can improve the quality of life for everyone we assist and those they know and love. You can be the catalyst for positive change.

Please use our visitor feedback form below to inquire about our services for positive change!

Call us today at (310)-957-2099

Feeling Stressed & Anxious?

Trying to “have it all” can leave you feeling stressed, anxious, and discouraged. Ask yourself the following questions.

Take our Stress Test
You feel stuck in a rut:
You know you need to make changes in your life, but you can't seem to make them happen.
Relationships are not fulfilling:
You’re not getting what you need. You might feel unable to have a satisfying intimate relationship, or maybe the one you have just isn't going well.
Anxiety or irritability:
You often feel stressed, anxious, and irritable.
You can’t relax or sleep:
You can’t seem to slow down, you worry about what has or will go wrong or thinking about what you need to do next.
You doubt your work, your relationships, or even yourself. At times, you’re uncertain about what is best or what you want.
You feel you should do more:
You don't feel good enough. You strive for perfection, yet never seem to achieve it.  
Symptoms of panic:
You sometimes have difficulty breathing, have heart palpitations, or break out in a sweat.
You feel discouraged:
You feel like no matter how hard you try, nothing will make things better.


With the help of a therapist, you can work through your stress and anxiety. There is no need to struggle alone. You might feel discouraged at the moment, and that's understandable. There is hope. Counseling has been successful at helping individuals from all social and economic backgrounds overcome problems.

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Our Offices

San Pedro

916 North Western Avenue, Suite #205 San Pedro, CA 90732

Bixby Knolls | Long Beach

3711 Long Beach Blvd, Suite #5015
Long Beach, CA 90807

Are you a Cell Phone Addict and Tech Junkie?

Is the use of technology starting to consume you and interfere with the balance of your everyday life?

Take our Tech Addiction Test

First Responder
Virtual Support Group

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